Sunday 24 March 2013

Creative Kids

I used to be a horder and unfortunately I think i've past this  habit onto my kids. Whenever something new comes into the house be it food, electrical goods or gifts with interesting packaging  my three little girls have an almost compulsion to take and turn said packaging into something new and exciting.
The majority of the time i'm inclined to say no but as we all know kids can very persuasive.
So I have a house full of beaded jewellery, toilet roll binoculars, miniature shoe box doll houses, cut outs of hearts and squares stars and tiny little pictures they've drawn, egg box creatures, cardboard glasses even a cereal box headstone (don't ask) and much much more.
But when you have kids that like to create you have to go with the flow, let them do their thing and enjoy the results.
Today I was given a real treat.  Middle daughter kept a box that had the Mr and Mrs cups inside  given to husband and me as an anniversary gift last year. (It was a pretty box and even I couldn't really bare to throw it away).
My little gem decided to turn the box onto a puppet theatre. She made several scene backdrops and found an old puppet of mine. She then made tickets and arrows to direct us to where it would be in the house. Oldest daughter was the 'ticket giver' and 'ticket stamper' (a hole punch was used for that).
The play started at 3 O'clock sharp and had two intervals.
It was obvious that she had very carefully practised the whole thing so the whole family was able to enjoy a funny, clever play with audience participation.
So fun was the play that she inspired her younger sister to immediately go and write her own story based on the play.
I think when we have children it's very easy to see the world through their new young eyes, the first time they feel sand in their toes or go in the water..... We enjoy these things with them as if it's our first time too. But as they get older i'm finding I have to remind myself of this. Everything is still new and exciting to them even when they are 7 or 9 or 11 and they are constantly looking for new and exciting things to discover. Maybe that's the key to creativity, to always have young eyes and to look at everything as if it's the first time we've seen it too.