Tuesday 8 November 2011

Autumn Activities

We've been very busy this autumn with the beginning of a new school year and all that entails with three girls at home. I've been trying to teach Baby Boy to read too by showing him a video and flash cards from the your baby can read system; (it does work if you're consistent)  http://www.yourbabycan.co.uk/.
We've been going on walks in the woods, collecting apples from the zoo and our own garden which leads to lots of pealing, chopping and creating as many different things with apples as I can think of.
  We've been bird watching ( the beautiful Jay has returned), squirrel watching, catching frogs and caterpillars.
There has been dressing up, harvesting the carrots Husband and the girls planted and star gazing ( we found the Square of Pegasus).
There is still so much more to do, we want to make Christmas cards and Christmas presents, mini Christmas cakes and other sweet treats, decorate the house and create a Christmas scene out of polystyrene with little toy figures.
This has probably been our busiest autumn maybe because the children are older and need a lot more to focus on, but we're having fun and working hard.

Psalms 90:17

And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the Work of our hands upon us; yea, the Work of our hands establish thou it.

Friday 4 November 2011

Holiday Review

I was looking back at my old posts and remembered that I said I would let you know how it went bringing Baby Boy's cake on holiday in the car.
Well it went just fine, We got it there safe and sound completely in tact. We went on to have a fun filled holiday and Baby Boy even got to meet the object of his obsession as well as receive lots of Fireman Sam presents.
Is he going to grow up to be a fireman? He is truly, truly obsessed and I'm not exaggerating. He asks every single day if he can watch Fireman Sam ( of course he doesn't get to) but still he asks.
I take comfort in the fact that his interest is in something that is wholesome as opposed to something wild, crazy or overtly silly like much of the stuff on t.v.
Anyway here he is having a happy time on holiday.     

I'll have my cake and eat it.

John 13:16 & 17