Thursday 16 June 2011

Keeping Secrets

There is something that I do with all of my children individually and none of them know that it's a universal thing.
I keep secrets with them.
Every now and then I will go out with just one of them so they can get some mummy time without having to share me, it could be anything from going to the supermarket, to the post office, into town or simply going for a drive.
While we are out we get to chat, laugh and have fun with each other and I get to know that particular child better.They have my undivided attention and they can be extremely helpful in the process if I am doing chores. They love it and they really don't mind where we go  it's not about where we go but the fact that they are out without the others and having one on one time.
During the course of our time out comes our secret. It's usually a sticky cake from the bakery or a hot chocolate and biscuit in a nice little cafe' . Of course it must be kept a secret from the other siblings because we don't want to hurt their feelings by making them feel left out. But they can't wait to whisper to daddy all the fun things we've done together as soon as we get home.
This has been going on for quite a few years now and I've been wondering for a while if they've sussed me out yet, and today middle daughter was having some extra cake ends (you know those sweet crunchy pieces that are so tasty) and she asked me "mummy does anyone else have secret treats". Firstly I said  "I can't tell you" and her response was " I bet they do" and I thought 'the cats out of the bag now' so I said "if they were having any secret treats I wouldn't be able to tell you because it would be a secret". She looked thoughtful after that as if she wasn't so sure.
I think my secret is still safe but not for much longer I suspect.
The reason I began doing this was because we do a lot of fun things as a family but I wanted each of my children to have special happy memories of their very own that only they would remember.
I never make a big deal out about who I'm going to take with me and I don't have a rota or anything like that, it's just very natural in the way that it happens. I may be just popping to the shop and say to one of the kids when the others are preoccupied with something " do you want to come with me" and it's as simple as that.
Being a christian gives us a special unique relationship with God that is very different to all the other Christians over the face of the earth He is the most caring, nurturing and loving parent we could ever want or need. And even though we can never reach His level of parenting skills ; We can try.

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