Monday 4 February 2013

I Like Make Up!

I like make up! I don't wear it everyday but when I do I feel polished, sophisticated a grown up. I didn't really start using it until I had one if those free consultations you get at department stores a few Weeks before my wedding (age 20). I did use mascara and lipstick but that was the extent of my make up knowledge. So as you can imagine it took a lot of practice before I could recreate what the nice young lady in the department store did. But thankfully for my wedding day I managed to pull it off. I've gone through many experiments since then (haven't we all?)  Make up too heavy, eyebrows too thin..... Nowadays I go for the natural look, trying to enhance what's there not cover it up. I was explaining this to my husband who was telling me I don't need make up (sweet I know) but still, I want to make my face appear smooth young and blemish free. Ok ok ok so i'm vain I admit it.
I think my husband had it right when he said "you're just trying to photo shop your face with make up right?"
I guess I am!

1 comment:

  1. I am clueless when it comes to make up-always have been!
