Friday 1 July 2011


I would like to share my new trick that I've just discovered to get toddlers to do things they don't want to when they are feeling a bit strong willed.
My son Baby Boy, (who by the way I will have to stop calling Baby Boy soon as he is nearly two)  has reached that age where self will has well and truly kicked in. For example if it's nap time and he doesn't want to leave the fun he may fuss a bit, or he doesn't want to finish all his meal and he just wants to skip along to dessert he can be quite determined.
Well I discovered that sometimes his toys or even a picture can be be very persuasive.
I was out with the girls and Baby Boy at a fast food restaurant and all Baby boy wanted was to drink his milkshake, I said to him a few times " eat your fries" but he was quite slow and not very enthusiastic.
He then became preoccupied with the characters on the kiddy meal box so I made them talk to him, he (loves that sort of thing), and the "character" told him in a very animated voice to eat his fries. Baby Boy obliged and ate lots of fries with some extra encouragement from the box.
Baby Boy was looking right at the box as if it really was talking to him. It then told him to eat his nuggets. He looked at the nuggets and seemed to consider this for a moment or two and then proceeded to pick up and eat his chicken nugget.
It works in many other situations too. Baby Boy became attached to a balloon he got from the restaurant and wanted to take it to bed for his nap, he kept calling for the "baooo baooo" but I knew this would not be conducive with sleep, so I put the balloon in the next room up high and let the balloon tell him "say goodbye" which he did. Then the balloon said "go to bed" to which Baby Boy responded "odaay" = okay.
His favourite fireman toy tells him to sit down when it's time to be still, the pictures on his bedroom wall tell him goodnight and many of his other toys keep him in check.
I know this will wear off soon but it's so fun at the moment to see the look of awe in his eyes when his toys or a character in a book starts talking directly to him.
Children truly are full of innocence and it is one of my favourite things to see.

Yet thou sayest, Because I am innocent, surely his anger shall turn from me. Behold, I will plead with thee, because thou sayest, I have not sinned.  Jeremiah 2:35

1 comment:

  1. Not quite there with Samuel yet but his littel will is starting to show through now! Wnated to le you knwo wea re going to start home educating form would love to her form you what materials you have tried/what works for you etc etc. There is so much out there!
